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where DB is a conjunction of literals DB 1 ,...,DB m such that DB i ( i =(1 ..m ) )
is a literal with a predicate symbol that is a database predicate, and EV is a
conjunction of literals EV 1 ,...,EV n such that EV j
( j =(1 ..n ) ) is expressed in
terms of the evaluable predicates.
Definition 16.
For each ECL I ( E,U,l i ) clause
C 1 that defines the initiation of
U 's assignment to the status level l i ∈L
there is an ECL T ( E,U,l i ) clause
C 2 that
defines the termination of U 's assignment to l i
C 2 differ only
in terms of the conjunctions of the evaluable predicates that appear in the bodies
such that
C 1 and
C 2 . The pair of clauses defining ECL I ( E,U,l i ) and ECL T ( E,U,l i )
are called an initiation/termination dual for level l i .
The ECL I ( E,U,l i ) clause of a dual for l i ∈L
C 1 and
defines the initiation of an
agent's assignment to a status level l i , and the ECL T ( E,U,l i ) clause of the dual
for l i defines the termination of an agent's assignment to a status level l i .
Definition 17.
A permission-level association is expressed in SBAC ( ψ ) by us-
ing a clause of the form
pla ( P, O, L )
DB 1 ,...,DB m ,EV 1 ,...,EV n .
A denial-level association is expressed in SBAC ( ψ ) by using a
clause of the form
Definition 18.
dla ( P, O, L )
DB 1 ,...,DB m ,EV 1 ,...,EV n .
Definition 19.
are defined by a set
of clauses in SBAC ( ψ ) with the head authorized ( U, P, O ) . This set of clauses
is called the authorizations clauses for SBAC ( ψ ) .
The set of authorization triples
u i ,p j ,o k
Policy Formulation
In this section, we present an example SBAC policy Π 1 , a closed access policy.
Definition 20.
The authorizations clause for Π 1 is as follows:
authorized ( U, P, O )
sla ( U, L 1) , subsumes L ( L 1 ,L 2) ,pla ( P 1 ,O 1 ,L 2) .
Example 2. Consider an e-banking system where a requester agent's status de-
pends on the agent's payment and withdrawal history, and the current state
of the requester agent's account. There are two upgrading actions joining and
depositing , and two downgrading actions leaving and withdrawing . On join-
ing as a customer of the bank, a requester agent is assigned to the lowest
status level; on leaving the bank as a customer, the user is terminated from
the lowest status level - equivalent to the user having no status level. Sup-
pose also that there are three status levels supported, l 1 , l 2 , and l 3 , and that
WFM ( SBAC ( ψ )) | = ds L ( l 1 ,l 2 ) and WFM ( SBAC ( ψ )) | = ds L ( l 2 ,l 3 ). There are
two types of requester agents: ordinary agents and Goldcard agents.
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