Information Technology Reference
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- Name ( Param 1 , P aram 2 , ..., P aram n ): a functionnal expression represent-
ing the name of the objective and its parameters
- StateCondition: conjunction of predicates the system's state verify when the
objective is reached.
For example the intrusion objective DOS on DNS ( Host ) is reached when
the two following predicates are satisfied: dns server ( Host ) and dos ( Host ).
They signify respectively that Host is a DNS server and that Host is not avail-
able. Fig. 2 shows another example of intrusion objective modeling. The intrusion
objective illegal file access is achieved when an agent obtains a read access to a
file while he is not allowed to do so.
Intrusion Objective illegal file access ( File )
State Condition: read access ( Agent, F ile ) ,
not ( authorized ( Agent, read, F ile ))
Fig. 2. Illegal file access intrusion objective
2.3 Representing Domain Knowledge or System's State
Domain knowledge or system's state, denoted by K , contains available informa-
tion about the system. It is represented by a set of predicates. For instance, do-
{file ( secret file ),
printer ( ppt ),
physical access ( bad guy, ppt )
, which means that secret file is a file, ppt is
a printer and that the agent bad guy has access to the printer ppt .
2.4 Action Correlations
For the intruder, once the intrusion scenario and the intrusion objective have
been defined, the set of actions necessary to achieve its goal is defined and fixed.
On the intrusion detection point of view, we must find among a big amount
of intrusion alerts a set of alerts that lead to an intrusion objective. For this
purpose we define action correlation. Action correlation allows us to say that if
an action A is correlated with an action B , then A may have an influence over
the realisation of B .
Let E and F be two logical expressions having the following form 1 :
- E = expr E 1 , expr E 2 , ..., expr E m
- F = expr F 1 , expr F 2 , ..., expr F n
where each expr E i (resp expr F i ) is either a predicate or a negation of predicate,
namely expr E i (resp expr F i ) must have one of the following forms:
1 Notice that we assume that these two expressions do not include disjunctions. This
is a restriction which is used to simplify definitions of correlation. Generalising cor-
relation definitions to take into account disjunctions represents further work that
remains to be done.
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