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service to participate in any session with Bob if originated by Alice (BO rule is trig-
gered, action is session recording and C SID is Alice's address), then yet another invita-
tion is sent to a voice recorder to join the session between Alice and Bob (A SID is Al-
ice's and Bob's voice media addresses). We think that Bob might be concerned about
possible recordings of his sessions, thus let's assume that he also established at voice
recorder a call-processing rule that must notify him on any recording of a media
stream originated at his address (BN rule is triggered, action is notify on recording ,
C SID is Bob's voice media address). Thus, when voice session with Alice starts Bob
receives a notification of recording, for example on his instant messenger (A SID is
Bob's notification address).
Self-similarity of Rule Bases. The rule-based system implementation in accordance
with our model (Fig.1) will have in general thee bases of rules (rule-sets): event au-
thorisation rules, behaviour rules, and notification rules. Without loss of generality we
assume that all three bases are installed over the same range of SID values denoted
rg(R 0 ) . All three rule-bases are then self-similar in a sense that there can be no de-
pendencies between rule bases with regard to access rights for the same SID in differ-
ent rule bases. For example, EA rules may deny events within certain sub-ranges of
rg(R 0 ) , however admitted events sourced by allowed SIDs may carry denied SID val-
ues in their payloads. Thus, event authorisation rules may shrink the R 0 , but it is ex-
panded again for behaviour and notification rules.
Installed Rules. It is important to stress that installed rule set in our approach differs
from original rules i.e. from default R 0 and from rules injected later. A rule set is ini-
tialised with a default policy R 0 —a rule that applies to the whole range rg(R 0 ) starting
with SID 0 and ending at SID N . Any newly injected rule R i with rg(R i )=[SID i0 , SID iN ]
and with mod(R 1 ) mod(R 0 ) is in conflict with R 0 . In our model positive and negative
modalities are equally strong (see discussion in section 4), thus a conflict should be
resolved based on additional information. If conflict resolution results in
mod(R 1 ) > mod(R 0 ) (modality of R 1 is stronger than that of R 0 ) then this produces in the
rg(R 0 ) two, if SID 0 = SID i0 or SID N = SID iN , or three, otherwise intervals with modalities
either inherited from a default policy or from a new rule. Modalities together with
these intervals are called installed rules and are denoted I i . Obviously modalities of
any two neighbouring intervals in installed rule set always differ.
Conflict Resolution Rules. In the following text we concentrate on a single rule base
cluster. Cluster contains installed rules of a single type (2-1) through (5-2), each rule
instance may have one of the two modalities — positive or negative. A rule instance
is defined for a SID range, thus a rule instance within a cluster can be unambiguously
specified by its modality mod(I i ) and its range rg(I i ) . Injecting a new rule in a rule-set
may cause conflicts with installed rule-set.
We distinguish the following five relations of a new rule ( R i ) range and any in-
stalled rule ( I j ) range (see also Fig.2.a):
1. Disjoint ranges: there is not a single SID value from rg(R i ) that also belongs to
rg(I j ) ; relation rg(R i ) || rg(I j ) is symmetric and non-transitive;
2. Nested ranges: all SID values from rg(R i ) are within rg(I j ) ; relation rg(R i ) < rg(I j ) is
asymmetric and transitive;
3. Inverted nested ranges: all SID values from rg(I j ) are within rg(R i ) ; relation
rg(R i ) > rg(I j ) is asymmetric and transitive;
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