Information Technology Reference
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• c ! m allows the message m to be sent on channel c .
• c ? x allows messages m to be received on channel c . The message received
substitutes the variable x .
- [ m 1 ...m n r x ] A 1 is the inference construct. If, applying a case of inference
schema r with the premises m 1 ...m n , a message m can be inferred, then
the process behaves as A 1 (where m substitutes x ). This is the message-
manipulating construct of the language for modeling cryptographic opera-
- A compound system S \ L allows only external actions whose channel is not
in L . The internal action τ , which denotes an internal communication among
agents, is never prevented.
- A compound system S | S 1 performs an action a if one of its sub-components
performs a . A synchronization or internal action, denoted by the symbol τ ,
may take place whenever S and S 1 are able to perform two complementary,
i.e. send-receive, actions.
- Finally, the term A φ represents a system which consists of a single sequential
agent whose knowledge, i.e. the set of messages which occur in its term A ,
is described by φ . The agent's knowledge increases as it receives messages
(see rule (?)), infers new messages from the messages it knows (see rule
D 1 ).
Sometimes we omit to represent agent's knowledge when this can be easily
inferred from the context.
We assume on the process terms some well-formedness conditions that can be
statically checked. In particular the inference construct [ m 1 ...m n r x ] A 1 binds
the variable x in A 1 . The prefix construct c ? x.A binds the variable x in A .We
assume that each variable may be bound at most once. For every sequential
agent A φ , we require that all the closed messages and free variables (i.e., not
bound) that appear in the term A belong to its knowledge φ . A sequential agent
is said to be closed if φ consists only of closed messages.
2.3 Symbolic Semantics
In the symbolic semantics, we may have some CryptoCCS terms that present
in their knowledge φ some variables. The actual values that can be substituted
to the variables in order to have a common CryptoCCS process will be denoted
through a symbolic language. This language will encode the possible substi-
tutions from variables to closed messages. For instance, we can denote that a
variable x may be the application of the message constructor F to every message
by simply requiring x ∈ F ( y ). Indeed, variable y is not constrained and so its
value can range over all possible messages. We can also join two constraints:
e.g., x ∈ F ( y ) ,y ∈ m (where m is closed) simply represents that x must be
equal to F ( m ) and y to m . During the analysis of a security protocol is also
useful to be able to express that a variable may store whatever message one
can deduce from a certain set of messages. This enable us to model what an in-
truder may send to the system under attack by using the set of messages it has
already acquired during the computation, i.e. its knowledge φ . Indeed, we use
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