Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Where to Ride
Most riders stick to mapped and marked routes on the Interconnected
Trail System (ITS) or on regularly maintained club trails. Regulations
governing crossing or use of roads can be confusing. Check the rule book.
A snowmobile law handbook is available from the
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
and the Maine Department of Conservation.
You must stop at Customs to cross the Canadian border. The
penalty for not stopping is $5,000 and the loss of the sled. In Que-
bec and New Brunswick you need a trail pass to ride. There is an
exception for a direct route from the border checkpoint near
Jackman to a nearby clubhouse inside Canada. Contact the Fed-
eration of Clubs for Snowmobiles in Quebec and/or the New
Brunswick Federation of Snowmobile Clubs for information.
Trails which cross the border, including 89/75 in Jackman and
85/19 in Fort Kent, are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
as are major New Brunswick crossings.
Snowmobile Rentals
Renting a snowmobile can be a great way to introduce yourself to a grow-
ing sport without investing thousands of dollars. New snowmobiles cost
from $3,000 all the way up to $10,000 - a lot of money to lay out if you
later discover you're really not that interested.
The cost of renting snowmobiles varies but usually runs between $100
and $150 per day, depending on model. Half-day rates are sometimes
available. Those that carry two people, referred to as “two-up” machines,
usually cost more. Some companies require that rental sleds be returned
to their facility overnight, even on multiple-day rentals.
Don't get hung up on make or model for your first time out, but ask about
age of the units and make sure they have basic features, such as hand
and thumb warmers. Electric start is nice too, especially if you don't have
a lot of experience pull-starting a balky two-cycle motor. Remember,
rental sleds that are more than three or four years old may be in great
shape or may be beat to hell. Ask if the rental agent guarantees mechani-
cal soundness.
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