Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
11. How did the Mesozoic rifting that took place on the
East Coast of North America affect the tectonics in the
Cordilleran mobile belt?
12. Discuss the details of evolution of the jaw and the
jaw-skull joint during the transition from cynodonts
to mammals.
13. Compare the land-plant communities of the Mesozoic
with those of the Paleozoic.
14. From a plate tectonic perspective, how does the oro-
genic activity that occurred in the Cordilleran mobile
belt during the Mesozoic Era differ from that which
took place in the Appalachian mobile belt during the
Paleozoic Era?
15. How do dinosaurs differ from other reptiles, and what
two main groups of dinosaurs are recognized?
16. What effect did the breakup of Pangaea have on oce-
anic and climatic circulation patterns? Compare the
oceanic circulation pattern during the Triassic with that
during the Cretaceous.
17. How does terrane accretion relate to the Mesozoic
orogenies that took place on the western margin of North
18. What kind of evidence indicates that at least some di-
nosaurs were endotherms?
19. Compare the tectonic setting and depositional environ-
ment of the Gulf of Mexico evaporites with the evapo-
rite sequences of the Paleozoic Era.
20. Explain how plate positions and climate infl uenced the
geographic distribution of Mesozoic plants and animals.
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