Geology Reference
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6. Despite a lack of significant soil cover, a profusion of
plants live in the soil trapped in the cracks, joints, and
solution cavities of the limestone beds in the Burren.
7. Perhaps the most famous lrish Neolithic dolmen is the
Poulnabrone portal tomb which dates from about 5800 years
ago. The name Poulnabrone literally means “the hole of the
sorrows.” The capstone of the Poulnabrone dolmen rests on
two 1.8 m-high portal stones to create a chamber in a low
circular cairn, 9 m in diameter.
9. A typical small wedge tomb. The
Burren is famous for its monuments,
characteristic of every period from the
Neolithic to the present. The legacy of
early settlers is the many Neolithic
tombs, as well as stone structures and
8. Excavation of the Poulnabrone dolmen revealed that the
tomb contained the remains of up to 22 people, buried
over a period of six centuries, as well as a polished stone
axe, two stone disc beads, flint and chert arrowheads and
scrapers, and more than 60 shards of pottery.
10. A Burren limestone wall. Burren limestone
has been used for centuries in the construction
of tombs, forts, houses, and walls. Today, it is
in demand for limestone-finished houses, walls,
and garden features.
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