Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Important Terms
abyssal plain (p. 230)
active continental margin (p. 229)
aseismic ridge (p. 234)
black smoker (p. 232)
continental margin (p. 227)
continental rise (p. 228)
continental shelf (p. 227)
continental slope (p. 228)
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
(p. 239)
guyot (p. 234)
oceanic ridge (p. 232)
oceanic trench (p. 232)
ooze (p. 235)
ophiolite (p. 227)
passive continental margin (p. 230)
pelagic clay (p. 235)
reef (p. 235)
seamount (p. 234)
seismic profi ling (p. 225)
submarine canyon (p. 229)
submarine fan (p. 228)
submarine hydrothermal vent (p. 232)
turbidity current (p. 228)
Review Questions
1. A broad, fl at area on the seafl oor adjacent to a conti-
nental rise is a/an
a. _____ seamount;
b. _____ aseismic ridge;
c. _____ abyssal plain;
d. _____ active continental margin;
e. _____ calcareous ooze.
2. Submarine fans make up a large part of
a. _____ the continental rise;
b. _____ hydrothermal vents;
c. _____ ophiolite sequences;
d. _____ the EEZ;
e. _____ aseismic ridges.
3. The areas on the seafl oor where oceanic lithosphere is
subducted are called
a. _____ submarine canyons;
b. _____ oceanic trenches;
c. _____ black smokers;
d. _____ guyots;
e. _____ pelagic clay.
4. Graded bedding is typically found in ________ deposits.
a. _____ coral reef;
b. _____ hydrothermal;
c. _____ ophiolite;
d. _____ pelagic;
e. _____ turbidity current.
5. The gently sloping part of the continental margin adja-
cent to a continent is called the continental
a. _____ ooze;
b. _____ rise;
c. _____ shelf;
d. _____ reef;
e. _____ plain.
6. A barrier reef is
a. _____ found on the deep seafl oor adjacent to a black
b. _____ a deposit made up of copper, zinc, and iron;
c. _____ a type of deposit made up of clay and
d. _____ a reef separated from an island or continent
by a lagoon;
e. _____ made up of sediment that settles from
suspension far from land.
7. Which one of the following statements is correct?
a. _____ Volcanism takes place at passive continental
b. _____ A guyot is a reef that extends far above sea
c. _____ Oceanic plates are subducted at oceanic
d. _____ Abyssal plains are common around the mar-
gins of the Pacifi c;
e. _____ Submarine fans are made up mostly of sili-
ceous ooze.
8. Much of the sediment that ends up on submarine
fans is transported through ________ by turbidity
a. _____ abyssal plains;
b. _____ submarine canyons;
c. _____ atolls;
d. _____ continental depressions;
e. _____ hydrothermal vents.
9. The greatest oceanic depths are found at
a. _____ seamounts;
b. _____ aseismic ridges;
c. _____ oceanic trenches;
d. _____ passive continental margins;
e. _____ seafl oor fractures.
10. Which one of the following is characteristic of an active
continental margin?
a. _____ wide continental shelf;
b. _____ volcanic activity;
c. _____ narrow abyssal plain;
d. _____ submarine hydrothermal vents;
e. _____ aseismic ridges.
11. During the Pleistocene Epoch (Ice Age), sea level was as
much as 130 m lower than it is now. What effect did this
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