Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Important Terms
aureole (p. 171)
contact (thermal) metamorphism (p. 170)
differential pressure (p. 169)
dynamic metamorphism (p. 174)
fl uid activity (p. 169)
foliated texture (p. 176)
heat (p. 169)
index mineral (p. 174)
lithostatic pressure (p. 169)
metamorphic facies (p. 182)
metamorphic grade (p. 174)
metamorphic rock (p. 168)
metamorphic zone (p. 182)
metamorphism (p. 168)
nonfoliated texture (p. 178)
regional metamorphism (p. 174)
Review Questions
1. To which metamorphic facies do metamorphic rocks
formed under low-temperature, low-pressure condi-
tions belong?
a. _____ granulite;
b. _____ zeolite;
c. _____ amphibolite;
d. _____ blueschist;
e. _____ eclogite.
2. Which of the following metamorphic rocks displays a
foliated texture?
a. _____ marble;
b. _____ quartzite;
c. _____ greenstone;
d. _____ schist;
e. _____ hornfels.
3. Concentric zones surrounding an igneous intrusion and
characterized by distinctive mineral assemblages are
a. _____ thermodynamic rings;
b. _____ hydrothermal regions;
c. _____ metamorphic layers;
d. _____ regional facies;
e. _____ aureoles.
4. Which is the correct metamorphic sequence of increas-
ingly coarser grain size?
a. _____ gneiss —> schist —> phyllite —> slate;
b. _____ phyllite —> slate —> schist —> gneiss;
c. _____ schist —> slate —> gneiss —> phyllite;
d. _____ slate —> phyllite —> schist —> gneiss;
e. _____ slate —> schist —> phyllite —> gneiss.
5. The metamorphic rock formed from limestone or
dolostone is called
a. _____ quartzite;
b. _____ marble;
c. _____ hornfels;
d. _____ greenstone;
e. _____ schist.
6. In what type of metamorphism are magmatic heat and
fl uid activity the primary agents of change?
a. _____ dynamic;
b. _____ lithostatic;
c. _____ contact;
d. _____ regional;
e. _____ thermodynamic.
7. From which of the following rock groups can meta-
morphic rocks form?
a. _____ plutonic;
b. _____ sedimentary;
c. _____ metamorphic;
d. _____ volcanic;
e. _____ all of these.
8. Along what type of plate boundary is metamorphism
most common?
a. _____ divergent;
b. _____ transform;
c. _____ aseismic;
d. _____ convergent;
e. _____ lithospheric.
9. Pressure resulting from deep burial and applied equally
in all directions on a rock is
a. _____ directional;
b. _____ differential;
c. _____ lithostatic;
d. _____ shear;
e. _____ unilateral.
10. Which of the following is not an agent of metamorphism?
a. _____ pressure;
b. _____ heat;
c. _____ fl uid activity;
d. _____ gravity;
e. _____ none of these.
11. Where does contact metamorphism occur, and what
types of changes does it produce?
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