Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
What Is Geology?
Geology and the Formulation of Theories
How Does Geology Relate to the Human Experience?
How Does Geology Affect Our Everyday Lives?
Global Geologic and Environmental Issues Facing Humankind
GEO-FOCUS: Global Warming and Climate Change, and How
They Affect You
Origin of the Universe and Solar System, and Earth's Place
in Them
GEO-INSIGHT: The Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
Why Earth is a Dynamic and Evolving Planet
The Rock Cycle
Organic Evolution and the History of Life
Geologic Time and Uniformitarianism
How Does the Study of Geology Benefi t Us?
At the end of this chapter, you will have learned that
Geology is the study of Earth.
Earth is a complex, integrated system of interconnected com-
ponents that interact and affect one another in various ways.
Theories are based on the scientifi c method and can be tested
by observation and/or experiment.
Geology plays an important role in the human experience and
affects us as individuals and members of society and nation-
The universe is thought to have originated approximately
14 billion years ago with a big bang. The solar system and
Satellite-based image of Earth. North America is visible in the center of this
view, as well as Central America and South America. The present locations of
continents and ocean basins are the result of plate movements. The interac-
tion of plates through time has affected the physical and biological history of
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