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Objects can also be stored by a servlet as attributes at the session, or application
scope. Had we wished to store the SurveyData() instance as a session attribute, we
would have added the following line to the processRequest() method:
request.getSession().setAttribute("surveyData", surveyData);
The getSession() method of the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
interface returns an instance of javax.servlet.http.HttpSession representing the
user's session. Session attributes are visible to all pages in a user's session, and are
preserved across requests.
Storing the instance of SurveyData at the application scope would have been
accomplished by the following line in the processRequest() method:
getServletContext().setAttribute("surveyData", surveyData);
The getServletContext() method is defined in javax.servlet.GenericServlet ,
which is the parent class of javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet , which in turn is the
parent class of every servlet in a web application. This method returns an instance
of javax.servlet.ServletContext . Storing an object as an attributes of the servlet
context makes it visible across user sessions, therefore all users in the application
have access to the attribute.
Request, session, and application attributes can be retrieved by invoking
the getAttribute() method. This method exists in HttpServletRequest ,
HttpSession , and ServletContext . In all instances it takes a String parameter
indicating the parameter to obtain, and returns an instance of java.lang.Object ,
which then needs to be cast to the appropriate type. If there is no attribute of the
specified name, the method returns null.
The last thing we need to do in our example is to forward the request to
the output JSP, this is accomplished by obtaining an instance of javax.
servlet.RequestDispatcher , this instance is obtained by invoking the
getRequestDispatcher() method of javax.servlet.http.HttpRequestServlet ,
this method has a single parameter, which is a String indicating the relative or
absolute URL of the page or servlet we wish to navigate to. In our example we are
using the relative URL of output.jsp . We know the URL is relative because all
absolute URLs begin with a forward slash ( / ). Once we have an instance of javax.
servlet.RequestDispatcher , we simply invoke its forward() method to navigate
to the desired page.
We need to make one minor modification to the input JSP page so that it invokes our
servlet when its form is submitted.
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