Java Reference
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At this stage in the wizard we select what server our application will be deployed
to, as well as the Java EE version to use and the context path (the "root" URL) for our
application. Default values are usually sensible. Clicking the Next> button takes us
to the next page in the wizard.
Developing web applications using nothing but servlets and JSPs typically results
in having to code a lot of repetitive functionality "by hand". Several web application
frameworks have been developed over the years to automate a lot of the repetitive
functionality. Java Server Faces ( JSF ) is the standard web application framework
for Java EE 5. It is covered in detail in Chapter 5. Additionally, NetBeans includes
functionality to create JSF applications visually, by dragging and dropping
components from a palette into a design window. This functionality is covered
in detail in Chapter 6. For this particular application we will not be using any
framework, we should click on the Finish button to create our new project.
At this point NetBeans creates a simple, but complete, Java web application. The
newly created project contains a single JSP, which is automatically opened in the
NetBeans editor. Since the project is a complete Java web application, we can deploy
it immediately. We can do so by right-clicking on the project name and selecting Run
from the resulting pop-up menu.
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