Java Reference
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NetBeans Tips for Effective Development
Although NetBeans offers a wide array of features that make Java EE development
easier and faster, it also has a lot of features that make Java development in general
easier. In the following few sections we'll cover some of the most useful features.
Code Completion
The NetBeans code editor includes very good code completion. For example, if we
wish to create a private variable, we don't need to type the whole "private" word, we
can simply write the first three letters ("pri"), then hit Ctrl+Space , and NetBeans will
complete the word private for us.
Code completion also works for variable types and method return values. For
example, if we want to declare a variable of type java.util.List , we simply need
to type the first few characters of the type, then hit Ctrl+Space . NetBeans will try
to complete with types in any packages we have imported in our class. To make
NetBeans attempt to complete with any type in the CLASSPATH , we need to hit
Ctrl+Space again.
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