Java Reference
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Looking at the editor, we will see that the line containing the breakpoint is now
highlighted in green, plus an arrow has been placed on the left side margin.
These changes indicate the current line in the execution path. Once the execution has
been paused, we can execute the code line-by-line in order to pinpoint exactly where
the problem is happening. There are two ways we can execute each line: we can
either step over the line, or step into it. The difference being when we step over, we
will not go "into" any method calls, simply going "over" the line; when we step
into, we actually navigate inside any method calls that are being invoked in the
current line.
In our example, stepping into the current line would take us to the getCustomerId()
method of the Customer class, which we are certain works correctly. Therefore the
most appropriate course of action is to step over the current line.
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