Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Debugging Enterprise
Applications with the
NetBeans Debugger
Debuggers help us test and debug applications. NetBeans includes a debugger
that can help us seamlessly debug all of our Java applications, including enterprise
applications. In this appendix we will cover the NetBeans debugger, highlighting
features that make our lives as Java EE developers easier.
Debugging Enterprise Applications
Typically debugging enterprise Java EE applications is somewhat a complicated
process, and our application server needs to be started in "debug mode". The
procedure for doing this is different depending on the application server, but
typically involves passing some command line parameters to the shell script or
executable that starts the application server. Our code must also be compiled with
debugging enabled. This is usually done either setting a parameter on the IDE or
passing some arguments to the javac executable. Also, our debugger must
be "attached" to the application server so that it can see the code running in a
separate JVM.
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