Java Reference
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The value we would like each checkbox in the table to have is the index of the object
whose data is being displayed in its row. The RowKey class has a getRowId() method
that returns a numeric String object representing the index of the current row,
which happens to coincide with the index of the current object in the array. Therefore
all we need to do is obtain the RowKey for each row, and return the value of its
getRowId() method:
public String getSelectedValue() {
RowKey rowKey = (RowKey) getValue("#{currentRow.tableRow}");
if (rowKey != null) {
return rowKey.getRowId();
} else {
return null;
Now we have created a read only property in our managed bean, we need to bind
it to the selectedValue attribute of our checkbox. This can be done by following a
very similar procedure to the one we used for its selected property. We need
to right-click on the checkbox, select Property Bindings... , then click on either the
Advanced or All checkbox , then select the selectedValue bindable property and the
selected property of the CustomerList managed bean as the binding target.
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