Java Reference
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Now that we have all the necessary components in our page, we need to add some
logic to our code so that the checkboxes and buttons work as expected. By clicking
on the JSP tag in our page we can examine the generated markup for our table.
<webuijsf:table augmentTitle="false" id="table1" title="Existing
Customers" width="400">
id="tableRowGroup1" rows="5"
<webuijsf:tableColumn id="tableColumn5" width="200" >
<webuijsf:checkbox id="checkbox1"/>
<webuijsf:tableColumn headerText="First Name"
id="tableColumn1" sort="firstName">
<webuijsf:staticText id="staticText2"
<webuijsf:tableColumn headerText="Middle Name"
id="tableColumn2" sort="middleName">
<webuijsf:staticText id="staticText3"
<webuijsf:tableColumn headerText="Last Name"
id="tableColumn3" sort="lastName">
<webuijsf:staticText id="staticText4"
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