Java Reference
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The first thing we did was to add an instance variable of type CustomerFacadeLocal
and decorate it with the @EJB annotation. CustomerFacadeLocal is the local interface
for the CustomerFacade stateless session bean we generated in the previous section.
The @EJB annotation allows an instance of a class of type CustomerFacadeLocal to
be injected into our managed bean at runtime, freeing us from having to do a JNDI
lookup to initialize this variable.
Next we added a private instance variable that will hold the array of customer
objects, which will be used to populate the table. Then we implemented a getter
method for this variable.
The java.util.List interface provides a method to convert the list
to an array. This method takes a single parameter which is an array of
the type we wish the returned array to have. We are taking advantage
of this method to simplify the conversion from the list returned by the
findAll() method in the session bean to an array of Customer objects.
Populating the Table
At this point we are ready to bind our array of customers to the table. In order to do
this, we simply need to right-click on the table in either the design window or the
navigator window and select Bind to Data . In the resulting window, we then need to
select the customerArray property in the drop-down box labeled Get Data From.
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