Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Once NetBeans starts, we should see a page with links to demos, tutorials, sample
projects, and so on.
NetBeans defaults to showing this start page every time it is started, if we don't
wish for this page to be displayed automatically every time NetBeans is started,
we can disable this behavior by unchecking the checkbox labeled Show on Startup
at the bottom of the page. We can always get the start page back by going to
Help | Start Page .
Configuring NetBeans for Java EE
NetBeans comes pre-configured with the GlassFish 2 application server, and with the
JavaDB RDBMS. If we wish to use the embedded GlassFish 2 and JavaDB RDBMS,
then there is nothing we need to do to configure NetBeans.
We can, however, integrate NetBeans with other Java EE application servers such as
GlassFish 1, Sun Java Application Server, JBoss, Weblogic, or WebSphere. We can
also integrate NetBeans with several versions of Tomcat.
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