Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<h:outputText value="#{item.age}"/>
In this example, we will be iterating through a collection of RegistrationBean
objects. The objects will be stored as a property named registrationBeanList of
type java.util.List in a managed bean called RegistrationListController ,
therefore we set the value of the value attribute of <h:dataTable> to
#{RegistrationListController.registrationBeanList} .
NetBeans creates a sensible value for the var attribute, therefore we leave it as is.
<h:dataTable> contains a few attributes that allow us to control the look of the
generated table. These attributes are identical to attributes in a standard HTML table.
In our example, we set a border of 1 pixel in the table by setting the value of the
border attribute to 1 . We set the spacing between table cells to zero by setting the
cellspacing attribute to 0 . We also set the spacing (padding) inside table cells to 5
pixels by setting the cellpadding attribute to 5.
The complete list of attributes for <h:dataTable> can be seen by using
code completion ( Ctrl+Space ).
Since our table will have four columns, we need to add four nested <h:column> tags
into our data table (one for each column).
Notice each <h:column> tag has a nested <f:facet> tag. JSF tags might define
one or more facets. Facets are components that are rendered differently from other
components in the parent component. Each facet must have a unique name for each
parent component. <h:column> defines a facet with a name of header , this facet
will be rendered as the header of the generated table. To render a facet inside a JSF
component, the <f:facet> tag is used. In our example we give our facet the name
of header by assigning this value to its name property. At runtime, JSF renders the
tag inside <f:facet> as the header of the column rendered by the facet's parent
<h:column> tag. Each <f:facet> tag must have a single child tag, which can be any
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