Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Developing Web Applications
using JavaServer Faces
In the previous two chapters we covered how to develop web applications in Java
using Servlets and JSPs. Although a lot of applications have been written using these
APIs, most modern Java applications are written using some kind of web application
framework. As of Java EE 5, the standard framework for building web applications
is Java Server Faces (JSF). In this chapter we will see how using JSF can simplify web
application development.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
Creating a JSF project with NetBeans
Generating a form to capture user data by draging a JSF form from the
NetBeans palette into our page
Laying out JSF tags by taking advantage of the JSF <h:panelGrid> tag
Using static and dynamic navigation to define navigation between pages
Using the NetBeans New JSF Managed Bean wizard to create a JSF managed
bean and automatically add it to the application's <faces-config.xml>
configuration file
Using the NetBeans Page Flow editor to establish page navigation by
graphically connecting pages
Implementing custom JSF validators
Displaying tabular data in our pages by dragging-and-dropping the JSF Data
Table item from the NetBeans palette into our page
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