Java Reference
In-Depth Information
After dropping the DB Insert item into our page, we are prompted for
additional information.
The value of the Variable Name field is a variable of type java.lang.Integer
which will hold the number of rows that were inserted into the database after the
INSERT statement was executed.
The Scope field must contain the scope where the value of the Variable Name ield
will be stored.
The Data Source field must contain the JNDI name of the data source used to obtain
a database connection. This data source must be added as a Resource References to
our application's web.xml deployment descriptor as explained earlier in this chapter.
Finally, the value of the Insert Statement field allows us to specify the SQL INSERT
statement to be executed.
After entering the appropriate data for all fields in the Insert DB Insert window, the
following markup is generated in our page:
<sql:update var="insertedRows" dataSource="jdbc/sample">
INSERT INTO customer (customer_id, name,
discount_code,zip) values
(((select max(customer_id) from customer) + 1),
'Ensode Technology, LLC', 'H', '22030')
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