Java Reference
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After clicking OK , then clicking on the Send HTTP Request button, the browser is
opened and the application behaves as if the user had entered additional data.
Cookies can be added in the Cookies tab and headers can be added in the Headers
tab. The procedure is very similar to adding a request parameter.
In this chapter we covered how to develop JSPs to display both static
and dynamic content in a web browser. We also saw how to implement the
Model-View-Controller design pattern by using JavaBeans as the model component,
JSPs as the view, and servlets as controllers. Additionally, we learned how to secure
web applications via form based authentication. We also covered how to extract
common markup across pages into a single JSP fragment, easing maintenance of web
applications. Finally, we saw how the NetBeans HTTP monitor allows us to easily
keep track of what is happening to our web application, by allowing us to easily see
request, session, and application attributes, request parameters, HTTP headers,
and so forth.
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