Graphics Programs Reference
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11. In the Remove Place Information window, click OK. The photo stack and the pin
are deleted.
Setting Events Tags
Another nice feature that Organizer offers is to tag your media by events. An Event can
be the date or time the photo or video was shot, or it can be a specific date chosen from a
calendar that you want to attach as a tag. Organizer helps you with this process with a fea-
ture called Smart Events that automatically tags your media with a Smart Event based on
the date the media was shot or recorded. The Event tag helps you categorize and tag your
media so you can easily locate similar photos, videos, or audio files in your Catalog.
1. In Organizer, click the Events view.
2. Click the Events/Smart Events option to switch to Smart Events.
3. Organizer automatically groups your media based on date. To see your media
based on a time frame, click the Time option.
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