Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Many case studies and realization (San Francisco, Lisbon, Seattle) exist for
several towns [ 1
3 ]. The inspiration was the real experience with the system
Valenbisi in Valencia [ 4 ]. Only one solution exists in the Czech Republic. Bicycle
renting public service HOMEPORT PRAHA exists in Prague, municipal part
n. Presented solution suggests the placement of stations for the whole city
Olomouc. This study did not concern to the economical, technical or operating
aspects of bike sharing. The main aim was to analyze spatial situation and condi-
tions for optimal location of bike rental stations in town Olomouc using GIS. The
analysis was solved as geoinformatics task. Spatial analyses are very often used for
exploration of the urban environment [ 5 ].
Several case studies were explored. Midgley [ 6 ] mentions four generations of
bike sharing. The
first solution appeared in Amsterdam (1960), La Rochelle (1976)
a Cambridge (1993). Bicycles were for free for inhabitants. The second generation
locked the bicycles in the rental stations. The loan of a bicycle was by inserting a
coin (Danish towns Farso and Grena in 1991). The third generation started in
Copenhagen at 1995. The users paid the annual fee to rent a bicycle. The using of
bicycle is free for the
first 30 min. It is necessary to pay a small fee when the time is
longer than 30 min. Now it is the most realized solution in many towns.
The spatial distribution of rental stations considers some facts in studied case
studies. The distance between two of stations is recommended from 300 to 500 m
[ 7 ]. The study for Paris recommended about 10 rental stations per km 2 . Localization
of stations must primarily consider the highest moving of inhabitant. The in
are a number of inhabitant on permanent address, commuters to schools and jobs,
the closeness to the shops, the cultural and sport facilities (stadiums, theatres,
cinemas, museums, concert halls, markets, department stores etc.).
The presented solution is individual solution for Olomouc city. The suggested
method is own developed method that is partially inspirited by presented case
studies. The method has considered source data and their structure and also their
availability for city Olomouc and census in the Czech Republic. The synthesizing
solution arose from detail research of case studies over the whole world and detail
study of condition in city Olomouc.
2 Step of Analysis
Case study for Olomouc city consists of several steps. The
rst step was the data
collection and the update of street lines and especial bicycle path and bicycle lane. It
was assumed to locate the rental station near the bicycle path and line. The second
step was the collection data about the number of inhabitants, commuting people to
localize source and target area with high citizen motion. These data and data about
land use were the base for the creation of
raster of suitable areas
. The raster of
suitable areas was the
first output of spatial analysis.
Analyses Minimize Facilities and Maximise Coverage from the set of Location-
Allocation Analyses were the next step. Task Minimize Facilities determines the
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