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Train Platforming Problem
Ľ udmila J á no ší kov á and Michal Krempl
Abstract The train platforming problem consists in the allocation of passenger
trains to platforms in a railway station. One of the important problems a dispatcher
has to solve, especially in a large railway station, is to decide, at which platform
track an approaching train should arrive. There is a tool helping him in his job
called the track occupancy plan. The plan speci
es for each arriving or departing
train the platform track along with the time slot during which the track will be
occupied by the train. This paper deals with a method for computer-aided design of
the track occupancy plan. The problem is formulated as a bi-criterion mixed integer
programming problem. The
first objective is to minimise the deviations of the
arrival and departure times proposed by the model from the times speci
ed by the
timetable. The second criterion maximises the desirability of the platform tracks to
be assigned to the trains. The model is solved using a lexicographic approach and
the local branching algorithm. The model was veri
ed by using the real data of
Prague main station. Results of the experiments are included.
Keywords Train platforming
Mixed integer mathematical
Multiple-objective programming
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