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statistically signi
cant between groups except commuters with basic education and
aged 30
49. The light green category consisting of 1,111 municipalities (18 %) is
typical due to small demand for public transport and also small supply of such
services. Its members are destinations most often for older commuters (above
50 years) with secondary education without
final exam and lower who commute
typically up to 15 min. Typical aspects of these municipalities are very high car
ownership index, so these people rely on cars and more than 60 % people (aged
over 18) own private car. These municipalities have the smallest average number of
residents (138) and are located typically in higher altitudes in western areas, sig-
peripheries. These facts are proved also in the map (Fig. 3 ) where the group
members are located along regional borders of Bohemian regions (western parts).
The dark red group consists of 987 municipalities which are typical by high
supply and demand for public transport for commuting to analysed municipality.
According to current trends in transport policy this is an ideal case. These com-
muters use to be younger with the highest levels of education (complete secondary
and tertiary) and commuting for longer time (above 15 min but also above 60 min).
Residents show very small car ownership index. The municipalities of this group
belong to the biggest and largest, located more often in the eastern and northern
parts of the country, closer to national borders and far from regional borders. Based
on the map, they are concentrated in the Moravian part of the country (east) and in
the northern parts of Bohemia (similarly as members of dark blue group).
The smallest number of municipalities (335) belongs to dark green transitional
group and they have high supply of public transport, but the commuters are rarely
using it for daily commuting. Employees commuting to these municipalities are
usually younger 30 years, with full secondary education. Compared to the next
group, commuters to these destinations commute for shorter time, rarely above
15 min. So, residents do not use public transport despite a good level of public
transport accessibility because their travel time is very short. These municipalities
are small (both by population and area), in lower altitudes, in southern areas, closer
to national border and more distant from regional borders. Indicated spatial in
cantly more distant from national and closer to regional borders
ences seem to be con
rmed in the map with the increased occurrence of such
municipalities in the Vysocina Region and South Bohemian Region.
Municipalities with high demands for public transport but with low supply of
these services belong to the light red group (476 municipalities). Residents are
usually older with various levels of education. A typical attribute of commuters is
longer time spent by journey to work. They have the highest share of trips between
30 and more minutes. The accessibility of public transport is low but the commuters
probably do not have any other option and they rely on this mode of transport.
These municipalities are located more in eastern and northern areas and in areas
with higher altitude. They are close to national and regional borders, large but
sparsely populated. The map proves these geographical
two main clus-
ters of such municipalities are Jeseniky mountains (N-E part) and Krkono
e and
mountains (N part).
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