Geoscience Reference
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2 Data
flow data comes from census 2011 with the decisive moment at midnight
from 25 to 26 March 2011. It provides information about all commuting
flows with
the origin municipality within the Czech Republic (destination can be in foreign
country). The commuter is de
ned as an employee or a student (commuting to school
and to work is distinguished in data) who has the job or school out of the residential
municipality (this can differ from official address in the ID card). The commuting
within the same municipality is not considered by statistics as commuting. Alto-
gether, the table contains 178,171 records and 1,551,918 commuters are travelling
between these pairs of municipalities (general volume of data are summarised in
Table 1 ). Standard list of parameters has been further extended about the modal share
between seven analysed transport modes for all of 178,171 records
car (driver); car
(passenger); train; bus; urban public transport (some transport links operate also
outside the municipality area); motorcycle; and bicycle. The frequency of transport
mode use within one municipality combination is often higher than number of
commuters. This is caused by the possibility of respondents to choose more options if
they are using a combination of them. Due to all possible combinations, this incon-
sistency causes only small problem in case of individual and public transport com-
bination. Only 0.5 % of all respondents selected this combination as the used
transport way for commuting what makes it irrelevant. Combination of public and
individual transport such as park and ride, bike and ride play only negligible role in
the Czech Republic.
Finally the data set has been reduced based on two criterias (1) both, origin and
destination of commuting must be within the Czech Republic (commuting to for-
eign country has been excluded); (2) in case we compare the real modal share with
existing public transport connection, we work only with commuting
flows within
100 km (Euclidean distance). This distance selection is important to make this data
consistent with the second data source (see text below).
The final number of records and commuters is in Table 1 .
The second data used in this paper are from the Database of transport connections
which has been developed and three times a year updated since 2007. This database
contains all combination of municipalities within 100 km (Euclidean distance) with
Table 1 Number of records and commuters in data set from census 2011
Number of
Number of
Commuting to work Commuting to
On daily
On daily
Domestic and foreign
1,125,337 953,190
426,581 302,955
Domestic commuting
1,089,876 935,186
418,835 299,324
Domestic commuting
within 100 km
1,050,933 921,010
376,542 291,719
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