Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Towards a Solution for the Public
Web-Based GIS Monitoring
and Alerting System
Jitka H
Abstract This paper deals with the issue of interoperability of heterogeneous
sensor systems and the availability of their data from a global perspective. We
show the application of previously developed WEDA architecture style into a GIS
based experimental system and we present the performance analysis results of the
system. The paper also presents its strengths as being a
firewall-friendly, web-
standards based solution that can be plugged into existing applications without
needing to completely rewrite them (which is good when using OGC Sensor Web
Enablement services). The paper compares the new style with styles which are used
today in OGC Webservices. We then present an alpha version of the experimental
system with eventing enhancements that are available with the new style. These
principles will be applied from the experimental system to the
cation and API after more tests. If such a web-service standard meets the new
binding possibilities, alerting will become widely accessible and GIS viewers and
sensors can improve user-experience, loading/publishing sensor data or loading
pipelined WMS tiles as well.
final draft specifi-
Keywords Sensor web
Web services
Web sockets
event processing
1 Introduction
As the amount of sensor data is growing, more people want to see the data from the
sensors online via the web. OGC SWE standards [ 1 ] enable the web-based
discovery, exchange and processing of sensor observations, as well as the tasking of
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