Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Your variables are still set to true , so running your script doesn't do anything different, but you can
see there are many ways you can test a variety of conditions to direct your gameplay.
The if statement can compare numerical values as well. Other comparison operators (Table 2-2 )
you can use include < , > , <= , >= , and !=. ! represents “not,” so != is the comparison operator “is not
equal to.”
Table 2-2. Definitions of Comparison Operators
Comparison Operators
Equal to
Not equal to
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
The switch-case conditional works in place of a chain of if-else statements for when you need to
compare a variable against different values.
Edit your script to the following:
#pragma strict
var diceRoll : float;
function Start () {
diceRoll = Random.Range(1, 6);
switch (diceRoll) {
case 1:
print ("You rolled a 1!");
case 2:
print ("You rolled a 2!");
case 3:
print ("You rolled a 3!");
case 4:
print ("You rolled a 4!");
case 5:
print ("You rolled a 5!");
case 6:
print ("You rolled a 6!");
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