Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Next is a request for an email regarding how you are using the asset, and the information to be
included in the credits. It is fun to know how your work is being used, and personally fulfilling to
know that people like the product that you put so much effort into.
Consider the contributors to the Asset Store as your extended team. Matteo Bosi of Alchemy Studio
graciously gave permission for us to use this pack for this project. Drop a quick email to Matteo,
introduce yourself, and let him know you are using his free pack for your prototype. Make this a
habit, and in no time you'll have new friends from all over the world that love making games, too. The
game development community is very supportive and understanding of the trials and tribulations of
the game development process. They will help you out, cheer you on, and celebrate along with you
when you publish your game. Be sure to share the love by reciprocating.
Keep reading the Readme file, and you'll find a link for more sound assets by Alchemy Studio and
where you can listen to a sample before importing to your project. This is common practice, as you
will recall from the sample videos of the Alien and Spartan King animation clips, and saves you from
having to import everything just to test it out.
Music is used in a variety of ways, including in the background and in response to game play. You
will use scripts to guide the behavior of the audio effect for just about everything that will have more
complex behavior than Play On Awake.
Background Music
First, start with the most simple example. In the Unity editor top menu, select GameObject ➤ Create
Empty, name it Audio, and set its Transform position to (0, 0, 0). With the Audio game object selected
in the Hierarchy, in the Inspector select Add Component ➤ Audio ➤ Audio Source.
In the Project panel where you have the Free Pack folder open, you'll see the Metal Loop folder.
Open the folder to see four audio clips and another Readme file. You'll learn from the Readme file
that the first clip is a complete music track, and the other three are the same track broken down into
its intro, a middle section designed to be looped, and the end. Select the “Loop 16 - 145
bpm - complete” file to display its properties in the Inspector (Figure 11-17 ).
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