Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
3D sound acts as if it is emitted from a specific location in the game world, such that the volume is
loudest at the source and diminishes as one moves away. The Volume Rolloff property determines
the rate at which the sound diminishes with distance. The default is Logarithmic, as it is in the real
world. You also have a Linear option and a Custom option.
Min Distance is the minimum distance from the audio source where the volume reaches 100%.
3D sound is managed by the Unity game engine according to the Pan Level , where 0 is essentially
2D sound and 1 is fully 3D. Spread is a more advanced audio setting that has to do with speaker
systems. Max Distance is the maximum distance at which the change in sound due to volume
rolloff ends. Typically this is also the farthest point at which you can still pick up any sound from the
Audio Clip
The source audio files are the audio clips, regardless of file type. Unity supports .aif , .wav , .mp3 ,
and .ogg formats. You already have one in your project within the Land Mine prefab (Figure 11-11 ).
Figure 11-11. Firey Explosion audio clip in the Land Mine prefab Audio Source component and its properties
Audio Settings
There are audio settings that affect sound for the entire project. You can access these settings in the
Audio Manager from the Unity Editor top menu by selecting Edit ➤ Project Settings ➤ Audio, and
the Audio Manager appears in the Inspector (Figure 11-12 ).
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