Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
It can also give the player cues, such as imparting a rising sense of urgency by increasing the tempo
of the music. Character and NPC dialog gives hints and directives to the player in keeping with the
storyline of the game. Even in simple arcade-like games, small bits of sound that end in a rising
pitch provide positive reinforcement to the player, while a lowering of pitch reinforces a negative
event or action.
The absence of sound is also effectively used at times. For example, it is used in shooter games
to maintain a sense of realism when a nearby flash-bang detonation is followed by silence, then
a realistic ear-ringing whine that fades away as the normal game sounds fade in while the player
character recovers.
Sound effects are used in conjunction with the environment and action of the game. In realistic-themed
games you will find ambient background noise, whether from crickets at night, background traffic,
nearby running machinery, or passing NPCs. More specific sound effects to the game action would be
the engine of the vehicle being driven revving, the crunch and splat of impacts in a fight scene, or the
sound of footsteps while the player character is in motion.
Some games are based on sound as primary gameplay, as in such popular games as Simon and
Guitar Hero . The game Lurking utilizes a novel and creepy application of sound where the sound
waves from the player's actions (in white) and the enemies (in red) illuminate the game world
(Figure 11-7 ). Take a moment to check out the trailer at for an excellent
example of sound used both to set the mood of the game and to drive the actual gameplay.
Figure 11-7. Images from the Lurking trailer ,
Audio Listener
Just as the Main Camera is the eyes of the game, the Audio Listener component is the ears. When
you create a new scene, the Audio Listener is added to the Main Camera by default. In the Hierarchy,
select Free Look Camera Rig ➤ Pivot ➤ Main Camera. In the Inspector you will find the Audio
Listener Component. If you try to expand the Audio Listener, nothing happens because it has no
properties (Figure 11-8 ).
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