Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-32. The Scene view
You can navigate the Scene view a number of ways. Select the hand tool (Q) and click-drag with the
mouse. Orbit around your point of interest by pressing the Alt key while click-dragging, or zoom by
pressing Ctrl and click-dragging. Have a little fun in first-person Flythrough mode by holding the right
mouse button and using the A, S, D, W, Q, and E keys for navigation.
Select the Player game object in AngryBots by clicking on it. Display the Translate (W), Scale (E)
and Rotate (R) gizmos with their respective buttons located to the immediate right of the hand tool.
Notice the x, y, and z axes in each are color-coded with red, green, and blue. You can manipulate
the position of the game object with the mouse by click-dragging the gizmo or with the Inspector by
typing in precise values. The scene camera's viewing angle can be adjusted in the same way with
the Scene Gizmo (Figure 1-33 ).
Figure 1-33. Scene view Translate, Rotate, Scale and Camera gizmos
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