Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
This code breaks down as follows:
(1) private var contr : CharacterController;
Declares a reference variable contr of type CharacterController.
(2) private var moveVector : Vector3 =;
Declares a reference variable moveVector of type Vector3 to hold the information on how far to move
the game object each frame.
(3) public var speed : float = 10.0f;
Declares a public float variable speed for adjusting the speed of the game object in the Inspector.
function Start () {
(4) controller = gameObject.GetComponent.<CharacterController>();
Accesses the CharacterController component reference and assigns it to controller.
function Update () {
(5) moveVector.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * speed;
(6) moveVector.z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * speed;
Here the input from the user is multiplied by the speed factor and stored in the respective x-axis and
z-axis components of the Vector3 variable moveVector .
(7) controller.Move(moveVector * Time.deltaTime);
First the moveVector information is multiplied by the Time.deltaTime smoothing factor, then passed
to the Controller Character Move() function.
The Move() function moves the game object, and returns information regarding any collisions from
the move in a CollisionFlags variable. This information can give you a general idea about where the
collisions occurred. The CollisionFlags variable is a bitmask, the explanation of which is beyond
the scope of this text. However, you can +' CollisionFlags in MonoDevelop to open the Scripting
Reference and get an idea of how to filter CollisionFlags information (Figure 7-24 ).
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