Game Development Reference
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if (childColliders != null)
for (var childCollider : Collider in childColliders)
childCollider.enabled = true;
gameObject.collider.enabled = false;
gameObject.rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
gameObject.GetComponent(Animator).enabled = false;
gameObject.GetComponent(ThirdPersonCharacter).enabled = false;
gameObject.GetComponent(ThirdPersonUserControl).enabled = false;
This script breaks down as follows:
(1) private var childRigidBodies : Rigidbody[];
(2) private var childColliders : Collider[];
Here you are introduced to another programming concept: an array . An array is a set of the
same type of items, called elements . In (1), a private reference variable for an array named
childRigidBodies is declared that will hold elements of type Rigidbody . The square brackets [] are
the syntax that makes this an array as opposed to a singular Rigidbody variable declaration. In this
example, the childRigidBodies array will hold as elements the child rigidbodies of the ragdoll.
Similarly in (2) a private reference variable for an array named childColliders is declared that will
hold elements of type Collider , in this case the child colliders of the ragdoll.
In the Start() function:
(3) childRigidBodies = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren.<Rigidbody>();
GetComponentsInChildren is aptly named as it returns all components of the designated type of both
the game object and any of its children. Here the rigidbody components of the character and child
rigidbodies created by the Ragdoll Wizard are assigned as elements of the childRigidBodies array.
(4) childColliders = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren.<Collider>();
Likewise, the Third Party Character Ragdoll game object's Collider component and the child collider
components created by the Ragdoll Wizard are assigned as elements of the childColliders array.
In the GotoRagdoll() function:
(5) if (childRigidBodies != null)
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