Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-12. Orange arrow indicates joint location at elbow for char_ethan_LeftForeArm
That's it for creating a ragdoll. If you had a freshly imported character model and followed these
steps, at this point when you press Play the character would collapse like a ragdoll as expected.
However, the Third Person Character Ragdoll already has a number of other components attached,
including scripts governing animation, so if you press Play now, you will get some really strange
behavior from your player character.
The Third Person Character already has a rigidbody and Capsule Collider attached to it. The Third
Person Character script has a function check to see if the character can fit underneath an object it
has collided with by going into a crouch. You may have seen this when the pendulum swung over
your character. The strange behavior here is the interaction of the original player character Capsule
Collider, the ThirdPersonCharacter script, and the new ragdoll rigidbodies/colliders (Figure 7-13 ).
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