Game Development Reference
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Declares the boolean variable inTransition . This will be set to true if the current Animator is in a
transition between animation states and false if not.
(8) var inIdle : boolean = state.IsName("Locomotion.Idle");
Declares the boolean variable inIdle and set to true if the current animation state is the Locomotion
animator's Idle state.
(9) var inTurn : boolean = state.IsName("Locomotion.TurnOnSpot") ||
state.IsName("Locomotion.PlantNTurnLeft") || state.IsName("Locomotion.PlantNTurnRight");
Declares the boolean variable inTurn , and set it to true if the current animation state is one of
the turning animations. Recall that || is the logic OR operator, so this line declares inTurn as a
boolean and sets it to true if the name of the current animation state is Locomotion.TurnOnSpot OR
Locomotion.PlantNTurnLeft OR Locomotion.PlantNTurnRight .
(10) var inWalkRun : boolean = state.IsName("Locomotion.WalkRun");
Declares the boolean variable inWalkRun and set it to true if the current animation state is the
Locomotion animator's WalkRun state.
(11) var speedDampTime : float = inIdle ? 0 : m_SpeedDampTime;
var angularSpeedDampTime : float = inWalkRun || inTransition ? m_AnguarSpeedDampTime :
var directionDampTime : float = inTurn || inTransition ? 1000000 : 0;
These statements are used to set the respective damping factors depending on the state of the
animator, whether an animation state or a transition. The syntax here is a very abbreviated form of
a conditional that is not as readable as you've seen so far—remember that the less code, the more
efficient and so the better performance.
The question mark ? with the subsequent colon is called a conditional operator . The condition to
be evaluated comes first, before the question mark. If the condition evaluates to true , then the result
of the first expression—after the question mark and before the colon—is the result of the operation.
If false , the second expression—after the colon—is the result of the operation.
For example, in the first line of this block of code, the newly declared float variable speedDampTime is
set to 0 if inIdle is true . The character has no speed if it is in the Idle state. If inIdle is false , the
character is moving so the speedDampTime is set to the current value of m_SpeedDampTime .
In the second line, the newly declared float variable angularSpeedDampTime will be set to the current
value of m_anguarspeeddsmptime if the animator is in the WalkRun state OR in transition; otherwise it
evaluates to false and it is set to 0.
Similarly, in the third line, the newly declared float variable directionDampTime will be set to 1000000
if the animator is in the Turn state OR in transition; otherwise it evaluates to false and is set to 0.
(12) var angularSpeed : float = direction / m_DirectionResponseTime;
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