Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-12. Comparing 3D models on the Unity Asset Store
The brief descriptions are provided by the publisher, and the content can vary. Poly counts are often
mentioned as these can affect performance or possibly limit the devices that can support your
game. Mecanim is relatively new and a significant upgrade from Unity's Legacy animation system, so
you may see comments like that for the Alien specifying that it is in fact Mecanim compatible.
Animations might be provided separately, or part of one long animation where you need to know
where in the single clip the individual animations reside. In the Spartan King description, the
publisher gives you the specific frame ranges for each animation clip.
Best of all, both of these publishers provide a means by which you can actually see the animations
prior to download. The Alien and Cocoon link takes you to a Unity web player where you interact
as the player, moving the alien around a few simple levels, while the Spartan King link takes you
to a YouTube video where you can watch the character perform each of the available animations
(Figure 5-13 ).
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