Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Similarly, the M ATLAB code for transforming the fourth-order Butterworth
filter is given by
>>fs=1; %fs=1/T=1
>> nums = [6.2902]; % numerator of the CT filter
>> denums = [1 4.1383 8.5603 10.3791 6.2902];
% denominator of CT filter
>> [numz,denumz] = impinvar (nums,denums,fs);
% coefficients of the DT filter
which returns the following values:
numz = [0 0.3298 0.4276 0.0428]
denumz = [1 -0.4977 0.3961 -0.1197 0.0159].
The transfer function of the fourth-order IIR filter is given by
0 . 3298 z 3 + 0 . 4276 z 2 + 0 . 0428 z
z 4 0 . 4977 z 3 + 0 . 3958 z 2 0 . 1197 z + 0 . 0159 .
H ( z ) =
The above expression is similar to the one obtained in Example 16.3 for the
fourth-order Butterworth filter.
16.2.4 Limitations of impulse invariance method
As illustrated in Example 16.3, the impulse invariance method introduces alias-
ing while transforming an analog filter to a digital filter. Since the analog fil-
ter is not band-limited, the impulse invariance transformation would always
introduce aliasing in the digital domain. Therefore, a higher-order DT filter is
generally required to satisfy the design constraints. Section 16.3 introduces a
second transformation, known as the bilinear transformation, to eliminate the
effect of aliasing.
16.3 Bilinear trans formation
The bilinear transformation provides a one-to-one mapping from the s-plane to
the z-plane. The mapping equation is given by
= k z 1
z + 1 ,
where k is the normalization constant given by 2 / T , where T is the sampling
interval. To derive the frequency characteristics of the bilinear transformation,
we substitute z
= exp( j ) and s
= j ω in Eq. (16.23). The resulting expression
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