Digital Signal Processing Reference
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(i) x ( t ) = exp( 2 t ) sin(10 π t ) for t 1 .
(ii) A periodic signal x ( t ) with fundamental period T
= 5. The value
over one period is given by
x ( t ) = 5 t
0 t < 5 .
Use the sawtooth function available in M ATLAB to plot five
periods of x ( t ) over the range 10 t < 15 .
(iii) The unit step function u ( t ) over [ 10, 10] using the sign function
available in M ATLAB .
(iv) The rectangular pulse function rect( t )
5 < t < 5
using the unit step function implemented in (iii).
(v) A periodic signal x ( t ) with fundamental period T
= 6. The value
over one period is given by
3 t 1
01 < t 3 .
x ( t ) =
Use the square function available in M ATLAB .
1.32 (M ATLAB exercise) Write a M ATLAB function mydecimate with the
following format:
function [y] = mydecimate(x, M)
% MYDECIMATE: computes y[k] = x[kM]
% where
% x is a column vector containing the DT input
% signal
% M is the scaling factor greater than 1
% y is a column vector containing the DT output time
% decimated by M
In other words, mydecimate accepts an input signal x [ k ] and produces
the signal y [ k ] = x [ kM ].
1.33 (M ATLAB exercise) Repeat Problem 1.30 for the transformation y [ k ] =
x [ k / N ]. In other words, write a M ATLAB function myinterpolate
with the following format:
function [y] = myinterpolate(x, N)
% MYINTERPOLATE: computes y[k] = x[k/N]
% where
% x is a column vector containing the DT input
% signal
% N is the scaling factor greater than 1
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