Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Left-half s-plane Re s < 0 Substituting Re { s }= σ< 0 in Eq. (16.9) yields
z < 1 . Therefore, we observe that the left-half s-plane is mapped to the interior
of the unit circle. We now show that the mapping z = e sT is not a unique
one-to-one mapping and that different strips of width 2 π/ T are mapped into
the same region within the unit circle z < 1 .
Consider the set of points s
= σ 0
+ j2 k π/ T , with k
= 0 , 1 , 2 ,..., in the
s-plane. Substituting s
= σ 0
+ j2 k π/ T in Eq. (16.7) yields
= e T ( σ 0 + j2 k π/ T )
= e σ 0 T e j2 k π
= e σ 0 T .
In other words, the set of points s
+ j2 k π/ T are all mapped to the same
point z = exp( σ 0 T ) in the z-plane. Equation (16.8) is, therefore, not a unique,
one-to-one mapping, and different strips of width 2 π/ T in the left-half s-plane
are mapped to the same region within the interior of the unit circle.
= σ 0
We now illustrate the procedure used to obtain an equivalent H ( z ) from an
impulse response h ( t ) through Examples 16.1 and 16.2.
Example 16.1
Use the impulse invariance method to convert the s-transfer function
H ( s ) = 1
s + α
into the z-transfer function of an equivalent LTID system.
Calculating the inverse Laplace transform of H ( s ) yields
−α t u ( t ) .
h ( t ) = e
Using impulse train sampling with a sampling interval of T , the impulse
response of the LTID system is given by
−α kT u ( kT )or h [ k ] = e
−α kT u [ k ] .
h ( kT ) = e
The z-transfer function of the equivalent LTID system is given by
−α T .
H ( z ) = z h [ k ] =
1 ,
ROC : z > e
1 e
−α T z
Figure 16.2 compares the impulse response h ( t ) and transfer function H ( s )
of the LTIC system with the impulse response h [ k ] and transfer function
H ( z ) of the equivalent LTID system obtained using the impulse invariance
method. A sampling period of T = 0 . 1 s and α = 0 . 5 are used. Comparing
the CT impulse response h ( t ), plotted in Fig. 16.2(a), with the DT impulse
response h [ k ], plotted in Fig. 16.2(c), we observe that h [ k ] is a sampled ver-
sion of h ( t ), and the shapes of the impulse responses are fairly similar to each
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