Digital Signal Processing Reference
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14.16 An allpass filter has a constant gain for all frequencies, i.e. H ( ) = 1.
(i) Show that the transfer functions
1 + z
α 1 + z
H 2 ( z ) = α 1 α 2 + α 1 z
H 1 ( z ) =
1 + α 1 z 1
1 + α 1 z 1 + α 2 z 2
represent allpass filters.
(ii) Sketch the flow graph for the first-order allpass filter H 1 ( z ), which
uses a single scalar multiplier.
(iii) Sketch the flow graph for the second-order allpass filter H 2 ( z ) with
only two scalar multipliers. There is no restriction on the number
of unit delay elements or two-input adders in each case.
14.17 The impulse response of an LTID system is given by
α k
0 k 9
h [ k ] =
elsewhere .
(i) Draw the flow graph for the above LTID system with no feedback
(ii) The z-transfer function for the above impulse response is given by
1 − α 10 z 10
1 − α z 1
H ( z ) =
Draw the flow graph of the IIR system specified by this transfer
(iii) Compare the two implementations with respect to the number of
delays, scalar multipliers and two-input adders.
14.18 Implement the filter with transfer function given by
H ( z ) = 0 . 4 0 . 8 z 1 + 0 . 4 z 2
with finite-precision arithmetic given by
( 1) s (0 + 0 . significand) ,
where the significand represents the decimal fraction of the coefficients
and is limited to 3 bits with 1 bit allocated for the sign. Compare the
magnitude response of the original filter with the magnitude response of
the filter implemented with finite-precision representation.
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