Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
In Chapter 13, we introduced a M ATLAB M-file residuez for the partial
fraction expansion of a given rational function. Similarly, the M-file tf2zp
was introduced to calculate the location of poles and zeros for a given transfer
function. These M-files can also be used to derive the cascaded and parallel
forms of the transfer function. We illustrate the application of these M-files by
deriving the cascaded and parallel forms for the transfer function,
z 3 2 z 2 + z
z 3 0 . 1 z 2 0 . 07 z 0 . 065
1 0 . 1 z 1 0 . 07 z 2 0 . 065 z 3 ,
1 + z
1 2 z
H ( z ) =
considered in Example 14.5.
14.9.1 Parallel form
The M ATLAB code to determine the partial fraction expansion is given below.
The explanation follows each instruction in the form of comments.
>>B=[1 2 1 0]; % Coefficients of the
% numerator of H(z)
>>A=[1 0.1 -0.07 0.065]; % Coefficients of the
% denominator of H(z)
>> [R, P, K] = residuez(B, A); % Calculate partial
% fraction expansion
The returned values are given by
R = [0.4310 0.2845+3.3362j 0.2845 3.3362j]
P = [0.5000 0.2000+0.3000j 0.2000 0.3000j] andK=0.
The transfer function H ( z ) can therefore be expressed as follows:
0 . 4310
1 0 . 5 z 1
0 . 2845 + j3 . 3362
1 ( 0 . 2 + j0 . 3) z 1
0 . 2845 j3 . 3362
1 ( 0 . 2 j0 . 3) z 1 .
H ( z ) =
To eliminate complex-valued coefficients, we combine the complex poles as
1 + 0 . 4 z 1 + 0 . 13 z 2 .
0 . 4310
1 0 . 5 z 1
0 . 5690 1 . 8879 z
H ( z ) =
The partial fraction expansion is then implemented using the parallel form as
shown in Fig. 14.25.
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