Digital Signal Processing Reference
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used to plot the poles and zeros in the complex z-plane. In terms of Eq. (13.48),
the syntaxes for these functions are given by
>> [Z,P,K] = tf2zp(B,A);
% Calculate poles and zeros
>> zplane(Z,P);
% plot poles and zeros,
where the input variables B and A are defined as follows:
A=[ a n a n 1 ... a 0 ] and B=[ b m b m 1 ... b 0 ] .
They are obtained from the transfer function given in Eq. (13.48). The vector
Z contains the location of the zeros, vector P contains the location of the poles,
while K returns a scalar providing the gain of the numerator.
Example 13.21
For the z-transfer function
2 z (3 z + 17)
( z 1)( z 2 6 z + 25) ,
H ( z ) =
compute the poles and zeros and give a sketch of their locations in the complex
The M ATLAB code to determine the location of zeros and poles is listed below.
The explanation follows each instruction in the form of comments.
>> B = [0, 6, 34, 0]; % Coefficients of the numerator N(z)
>> A = [1, -7, 31, -25]; % Coefficients of the denominator D(z)
>> [Z,P,K] = tf2zp(B,A) % Calculate poles and zeros
>> zplane(Z,P)
% plot poles and zeros
The returned values are given by
Z = [0, -5.6667],
P = [3.0000+4.0000j 3.0000-4.0000j 1.0000] andK=6.
The transfer function H ( z ) can therefore be expressed as follows:
z ( z + 5 . 6667)
( z (3 + j4))( z (3 j4))( z 1)
H ( z ) = 6
1 )
(1 (3 + j4) z 1 )(1 (3 j4) z 1 )(1 z 1 ) .
1 (1 + 5 . 6667 z
= 6
The pole-zero plot for H ( z ) is shown in Fig. 13.11.
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