Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
applications of the z-transform. Section 13.5 applies the z-transform to calculate
the output of an LTID system from the input sequence and the impulse response
of the LTID system. The relationship between the Laplace transform and the
z-transform is discussed in Section 13.6. Stability analysis of the LTID system in
the z-domain is presented in Section 13.7, while graphical techniques to derive
the frequency response from the z-transform are discussed in Section 13.8.
Section 13.9 compares the DTFT and z-transform in calculating the steady state
and transient responses of an LTID system. Section 13.10 introduces important
M ATLAB library functions useful in computing the z-transform and in the
analysis of LTID systems. Finally, the chapter is concluded in Section 13.11
with a summary of important concepts.
13.1 Analytical dev elopment
Section 11.1 defines the synthesis and analysis equations of the DTFT pair
x [ k ]
X ( ) as follows:
2 π
X ( )e j k d ;
x [ k ] =
DTFT synthesis equation
2 π
k =−∞ x [ k ]e
j k .
DTFT analysis equation
X ( ) =
To derive the expression for the bilateral z-transform, we calculate the DTFT
of the modified version x [ k ]e
−σ k of the DT signal. Based on Eq. (13.2), the
DTFT of the modified signal is given by
k =−∞ x [ k ]e
k =−∞ x [ k ]e
x [ k ]e −σ k
−σ k e
j k
( σ + j ) k .
Substituting e σ + j = z in Eq. (13.3) leads to the following definition for the
bilateral z-transform:
k =−∞ x [ k ] z
x [ k ]e −σ k
k .
z-analysis equation
X ( z ) =ℑ
It may be noted that the summation in Eq. (13.4) is absolutely summable only
for selected values of z . For other values of z , the infinite sum in Eq. (13.4)
may not converge to a finite value, and hence X ( z ) becomes infinite. The region
in the complex z-plane, where summation (13.4) is finite, is referred to as the
region of convergence (ROC) of the z-transform X ( z ).
By following a similar derivation for the DTFT synthesis equation, Eq. (13.1),
the expression for the inverse z-transform is given by
2 π j
X ( z ) z k 1 d z ,
z-synthesis equation
x [ k ] =
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