Digital Signal Processing Reference
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coefficients using Eq. (12.16) is also implemented and provided as a second
function, mydft. The reader should confirm that the two functions compute
the same result, with the exception that the implementation of myfft is com-
putationally efficient
As mentioned earlier, M ATLAB also provides a built-in function fft to
compute the DFT of a sequence. Depending on the length of the sequence, the
fft function chooses the most efficient algorithm to compute the DFT. For
example, when the length of the sequence is a power of 2, it uses the radix-2
algorithm. On the other hand, if the length is such that a font method is not
possible, it uses the direct method based on Eq. (12.15).
12.7 Summary
This chapter introduces the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) for time-limited
sequences as an extension of the DTFT where the DTFT frequency is dis-
cretized to a finite set of values
= 2 π r / M , for 0 r ( M 1). The M -
point DFT pair for a causal, aperiodic sequence x [ k ] of length N is defined as
N 1
x [ k ]e j(2 π kr / M )
DFT analysis equation
X [ r ] =
for 0 r M 1;
k = 0
M 1
X [ r ]e j(2 π kr / M )
DFT synthesis equation
x [ k ] =
for 0 k N 1 .
r = 0
For M = N , Section 12.2 implements the synthesis and analysis equations of
the DFT in the matrix-vector format as follows:
DFT synthesis equation
x = FX ;
X = F 1 x ,
DFT analysis equation
where F is defined as the DFT matrix given by
j(2 π/ N )
e j(4 π/ N )
e j(2( N 1) π/ N )
j(4 π/ N )
e j(8 π/ N )
e j(4( N 1) π/ N )
F =
. . .
j(2( N 1) π/ N )
e j(4( N 1) π/ N )
e j(2( N 1)( N 1) π/ N )
The columns (or equivalently the rows) of the DFT matrix define the basis
functions for the DFT.
Section 12.3 used the M -point DFT X [ r ] to estimate the CTFT spectrum
X ( ω ) of an aperiodic signal x ( t ) using the following relationship:
X ( ω r ) MT 1
X 2 [ r ] ,
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