Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
which is the standard definition of the DTFT introduced in Chapter 11. The
DTFT spectrum X 1 ( )of x 1 [ k ] is obtained by changing the frequency axis
ω of the CTFT spectrum X 1 ( ω ) according to the relationship
= ω T 1 . The
DTFT spectrum X 1 ( ) is illustrated in Fig. 12.1(h).
Step 2: Time limitation The discretized signal x 1 [ k ] can possibly be of infi-
nite length. Therefore, it is important to truncate the length of the discretized
signal x 1 [ k ] to a finite number of samples. This is achieved by multiplying the
discretized signal by a rectangular window,
10 k ( N 1)
w [ k ] =
of length N . The DTFT X w ( ) of the time-limited signal x w [ k ] = x 1 [ k ] w [ k ]
is obtained by convolving the DTFT X 1 ( ) with the DTFT W ( ) of the rect-
angular window, which is a sinc function. In terms of X 1 ( ), the DTFT X w ( )
of the time-limited signal is given by
2 π
sin(0 . 5 N )
sin(0 . 5 )
e j( N 1) / 2
X w ( ) =
X 1 ( )
which is shown in Fig. 12.1(l) with its time-limited representation x w [ k ] plotted
in Fig. 12.1(k). Symbol in Eq. (12.7) denotes the circular convolution.
Step 3: Frequency sampling The DTFT X w ( ) of the time-limited signal
x w [ k ] is a continuous function of and must be discretized to be stored on a
digital computer. This is achieved by multiplying X w ( ) by a frequency-domain
impulse train, whose DTFT is given by
2 π
2 π m
S 2 ( ) =
m =−∞
The discretized version of the DTFT X w ( ) is therefore expressed as follows:
sin(0 . 5 N )
sin(0 . 5 )
e j( N 1) / 2
X 2 ( ) = X w ( ) S 2 ( ) =
X 1 ( )
2 π m
m =−∞
The DTFT X 2 ( ) is shown in Fig. 12.1(p), where the number M of frequency
samples within one period ( −π ≤ ≤ π )of X 2 ( ) depends upon the funda-
mental frequency 2 = 2 π/ M of the impulse train S 2 ( ). Taking the inverse
DTFT of Eq. (12.9), the time-domain representation x 2 [ k ] of the frequency-
sampled signal X 2 ( )isgivenby
x 2 [ k ] = [ x w [ k ] s 2 [ k ]] = [ x 1 [ k ] w [ k ]]
δ ( k mM ) ,
m =−∞
and is shown in Fig. 12.1(o).
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