Digital Signal Processing Reference
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H ( W )
< H ( W )
0.245 p
p /2
p /2
p /2
p /2
−0.245 p
value of -0.245 π radians at
= 0 . 37 π radians/s. From
= 0 . 37 π radians/s to
Fig. 11.18. (a) Magnitude
spectrum and (b) phase
spectrum of the LTID system
considered in Example 11.19. The
responses are shown in the
frequency range = [−π, π].
= π radians/s.
For negative frequencies, the phase increases to its maximum value of
0.245 π radians at =− 0.37 π radians/s, after which the phase decreases and
approaches zero at
= π radians/s, the phase increases and approaches zero at
=−π radians/s.
It is also observed that the transfer function H ( ) satisfies the Hermitian
symmetry property stated in Eq. (11.39a). Since the impulse response h [ k ]isa
real-valued function, the magnitude spectrum H ( ) is an even function of
and is therefore symmetric about the y -axis in Fig. 11.18(a). On the other hand,
the phase spectrum < H ( ) is an odd function of and is therefore symmetric
about the origin in Fig. 11.18(b). In cases where the impulse response h [ k ]isa
real-valued function, the plots in the range
= [0 ] are sufficient to represent
the frequency response completely. The frequency response within the range
= [ −π, 0] can then be obtained using the Hermitian symmetry property.
Example 11.20
Derive and plot the frequency responses of the LTID systems with the following
impulse responses:
(i) h [ k ] = sin( π k / 6)
π k
(ii) g [ k ] = δ [ k ] sin( π k / 6)
π k
(i) We express h [ k ] as a sinc function as h [ k ] = 1
sin ( π k / 6)
π k / 6
= 1
sinc( k / 6).
Using Table 11.2, the transfer function is given by
≤π/ 6
H ( ) =
π/ 6 <
The impulse response h [ k ] and its magnitude spectrum H ( ) are plotted in
Figs. 11.19(a) and (b) within the frequency range
= [0 ]. Since the transfer
function H ( ) is real-valued, the phase spectrum is zero. The transfer function,
Eq. (11.63), or equivalently the impulse response, Eq. (11.61), represents an
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