Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
10.6 Periodic conv olution
Linear convolution is used to convolve aperiodic sequences. If the convolv-
ing sequences are periodic, the result of linear convolution is unbounded. In
such cases, a second type of convolution, referred to as periodic or circular
convolution , is generally used.
Consider two periodic sequences x p [ k ] and h p [ k ], with identical fundamental
period K 0 . The subscript p denotes periodicity. The relationship for the periodic
convolution between two periodic sequences is defined as follows:
y p [ k ] = x p [ k ] h p [ k ] =
x p [ m ] h p [ k m ] ,
m = K 0
where the summation on the right-hand side of Eq. (10.15) is defined over
one complete period K 0 . In calculating the summation, we can, therefore, start
from any arbitrary position (say m = m 0 ) as long as one complete period of
the sequences is covered by the summation. For the lower limit m = m 0 , the
upper limit is given by m = m 0 + K 0 1. In the text, the periodic convolu-
tion is denoted by the operator , whereas the linear convolution is denoted
by .
The steps involved in calculating the periodic convolution are given in the
following algorithm.
Algorithm 10.2 Graphical procedure for computing the periodic convolution
(1) Sketch the waveform for input x p [ m ] by changing the independent vari-
able of x p [ k ] from k to m and keep the waveform for x p [ m ] fixed during
steps (2)-(7).
(2) Sketch the waveform for the impulse response h p [ m ] by changing the inde-
pendent variable from k to m .
(3) Reflect h p [ m ] about the vertical axis to obtain the time-inverted impulse
response h p [ m ]. Set the time index k = 0.
(4) Shift the function h p [ m ] by a selected value of k . The resulting sequence
represents h p [ k m ].
(5) Multiply input sequence x p [ m ]by h p [ k m ] and plot the product function
x p [ m ] h p [ k m ].
(6) Calculate the summation
m = K 0 x p [ m ] h p [ k m ] for m = [ m 0 , m 0 +
K 0 1] to determine y p [ k ] for the value of k selected in step (4).
(7) Increment k by one and repeat steps (4)-(6) till all values of k in the specified
range (0 k K 0 1) are exhausted.
(8) Since y p [ k ] is periodic with period K 0 , the values of y p [ k ] outside the range
0 k K 0 1 are determined from the values obtained in steps (6) and
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